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Statutory Minimum Wages: Why Pay Raise is Important?

Updated: Dec 17, 2022

Statutory Minimum Wages - Why Pay Raise is Important

146. Statutory Minimum Wages - Why Pay Raise is Important
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National Wages Consultative Council Act 2011 (Act 732)

146.1 National Wages Consultative Council Act 2011 (Act 732)
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Sejarah Gaji Minimum Malaysia

146.2 Sejarah Gaji Minimum Malaysia
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P.U. (A) 5 - The Minimum Wage Order

146.3 The Minimum Wage Order [P.U. (A) 5 - 2020]
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1. Malaysia put in place a minimum wage system in 2013, which affects all employees except for those who work in the home [domestic workers] - -

2. Under the National Wages Negotiating Council Act 2011 (Act 732), the Council is required to review minimum wage orders at least once every two years. However, the Government may accept or reject the Council's recommendations.

3. In no time, another 2 years have passed and it is time to review the minimum wage system again.

4. After the epidemic, the floods, and the need to comply with the Basic Standards of Housing, Accommodation Works, and Facilities for Employees Act 1990, employers have been in a state of disarray for some time. What will the government do this time? let us wait and see. 5. To Join our Telegram ✍️

🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻 1. 马来西亚在2013年实施了最低工资制度,这影响到所有雇员,但家庭工人]除外 - 2. 根据2011年国家工资谈判委员会法案(第732号法案),该委员会需要至少每两年审查一次最低工资令。当然,政府可以接受或拒绝委员会的建议。 3. 转眼间,又是两年过去了,又到了再次审查最低工资制度的时候。

4. 经历了疫情的影响,再加上水灾,同时又要遵循1990年雇员房屋、住宿和设施基本标准法令,雇主过去这一段时间,个个几乎灰头土脸的,政府这一次到底会怎样做了?让我们拭目以待 5. 加入我们的 Telegram ✍️


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